
from a letter to a friend

"I was thinking...its funny how people say that people don't change...like when you are in a bad relationship people will tell you that you can't even try to change someone because people are incapable of change and that old dogs don't learn new tricks...etc etc etc....

but I don't think this is in fact true...at all..people change all the time...people are changing everyday. I was listening to a conference online yesterday and they were talking about identity and how we are really just a sum of parts. Like a computer...a computer is a hard disk with a monitor, with a key board and well whatever else composes a computer. one computer is different from another depending on the different pieces they have. and that is pretty much how we are...we are a collection of things a body with a brain with different experiences all that sums up to who we are...there is no real "essence" to our identity...it is constantly changing because of the different things we live through...would you still consider yourself to be yourself if they took your body and put another brain in it...it would be your body..but it wouldnt really be you...and if they put your brain in another body it wouldnt be you completely either...because your body is part of who you are...but it is not enough to make you you by itself. its pretty much the same with everything else that makes you you...you cant be you if you are missing any of the components...or can you?

anyways I found it interesting because it pretty much says people are in constant change...because everyday we have new experiences that add to who we are...so its illogic to say people can't change...we change all the time. we are never the same...tomorrow I will already be a different person."

You can listen to the conference by downloading the RSA podcast "what does it mean to be you?" by Julian Baggini