Time runs by me
it runs through me
and it stays the same.
Time drops by drop by drop.
There is an ever expanding emptiness inside of me,
the contours of my body contain it as it unfolds infinitely towards the inside.
It drips down my body like a thick cold goo.
It drips down heavy full of stars and full of longing.
It drips down and pulls my body down, its weight thick as mud.
Thick as swamp.
Thick as cold as that time when the eyes of death looked at the eyes of love with longing and his gaze sank deep in love's soul and he melted slowly but love was light and so it floated and death's gaze could not weigh it down. Love floated above and death melted down deep under the ocean into the dark wet earth and it seeped through into earth's crust and it sat there expanding towards the inside, expanding within me with its cold damp ever-shinning stars that sine with longing at the love that held its eyes and held its soul and held its heart and did't let go.