
The best house is a house with a good view

I think windows, or places where you can look out of are my favorite places of a house or apartment. Houses tend to separate you from the world and windows, on the other hand, create a connection with it. Its not only windows I like, but any "opening" that lets you look towards the outer world. Windows are a bit like the eyes of a house. You use them to see anything that is happening outside. And just as they say that eyes are the window of the soul, the windows in a house allow you to see a glimpse of the soul of the house. 

I find it absolutely fascinating that Hundertwasser treats buildings and homes as an extension of the body. Actually, in his studies, this Austrian architect/artist comes up with a diagram that states that a person has 5 skins. 

this image is from a Hundertwasser sketch that I found through google

He also comes up with a text titled "Window Dictatorship and Window Rights." I especially love the last part, where he talks about window rights.

"A person in a rented apartment must be able to lean out of his window and scrape off the masonry within arm's reach. And he must be allowed to take a long brush and paint everything outside within arm's reach. So that it will be visible from afar to everyone in the street that someone lives there who is different from the imprisoned, enslaved, standardized man who lives next door." 

I probably won't be the first one to stick my hand out of the window with my paintbrush, I am pretty sure my mom would not be happy, and then even though my parents own this house, the rules of the place we live in state that any external changes on the houses must be approved first, and that the houses must remain looking pretty much like the ones next to them. Maybe one day I will own my own house and then I will be able to do whatever I want with it. However I truly admire Hudertwasser for his initiative into breaking out of the mold. 

I also have a couple of things to say about looking out of windows. As I said before, they provide a connection with the outer world. I believe that in our modern world we don't give much attention to windows anymore, perhaps it is just me and my families lifestyle, perhaps not. When I walk around cities its unlikely to come across many people just looking out their windows watching people pass by. On the other hand whenever I go to small towns I always find people catching a glimpse of the world; You find old ladies, kids, men. Sometimes they sit in balconies, sometimes behind the glass, at other times they just sit outside of their houses right at the door...or on the street. They just sit there and talk to the neighbors who are also around, or get together to play chess, or simply talk from window to window. 

We should learn something from these people, I believe they know how to enjoy the simple things in life.